In a land far away there exists a small group of mice who have lived in seclusion for generations. Unlike many of their suburban cousins who are quite happy to trespass and steal, these mice are fiercely proud, independent and remarkably tidy. It so happens I met one of them, many years ago.
One day whilst picnicking near a stream I heard a peculiar sound, mechanical in nature, unbefitting my surrounds. Movement caught my eye and I glimpsed what looked like a tiny mouse changing a tiny car tyre. Could it be? I wondered.
I watched for a while and decided to offer my help. Sensing me as a threat however, he let out a scream and hastily scampered into the undergrowth. For hours I waited, shadows lengthened and soon daytime crept into dusk. Eventually the little mouse emerged.
I introduced myself and explained that I only wished to help because changing a car tyre can be a very difficult thing to do on your own. He told me he was thankful for the offer and that his name was Bergamot, Earl of Grey. Feeling flustered, not sure whether to curtsy, I settled on a demure head nod. To this, he laughed and informed me that the title of ‘Earl’ has no royal connotations in Mouse Society. It is simply an acronym - ‘Environmental Appreciation of Rural Lands’, hence the reason I discovered him at my picnic spot.
Apparently an ‘Earl’ is an individual, or family of individuals, entrusted with keeping certain scenic spots in ‘picture perfect’ condition. ‘Grey’ is simply the name of the village from whence they come. These particular mice spend most of their working lives darting to-and-fro behind the scenes, making sure all those who stumble upon a dappled wood or an ancient brook are enchanted and besotted by the sight.
We chatted for some time and agreed to keep in touch. I’ve lost count the number of letters we’ve exchanged. In a few weeks, to my great delight, Bergamot will pay me a visit and perhaps stay a little while. He has assured me that he will pull his weight and cause no trouble....