Beach Boys

Unlike other mice of my age, I’ve never had the good fortune to visit the beach. I’ve been told it’s a wondrous place, like no other, a meeting point between land and sea. Friends say it is a barren terrain devoid of woodland and there is so much water that it stretches out far past the horizon. Admittedly, that description has never really comforted me.....

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My Brother Basil

I was strolling through the garden this morning, as I do most mornings in fact, when a very strange sight caught my eye. Over yonder, under the apple tree, a very worried looking brown pigeon was pacing back and forth, head bobbing frantically, muttering something-or-other to himself.

I ambled over and called out, “Are you alright?”

He stopped pacing and turned toward me.

“Coo. Coooo?” he said.

“Oh, I’m sorry I don’t speak ‘Pigeon English’, only ‘People English’. My name is Bergamot. Are you lost?”

“Cooo!” he exclaimed and withdrew a small telegram from under his wing.

“Is that for me?” I asked, reaching for the letter.


I turned it over in my paws and quickly noticed the exquisite ivory paper, the impeccable handwriting and meticulous placement of the postage stamp. I found myself uttering only one word, “Basil”.

“Cooh,” spoke the pigeon, and his expression changed from high anxiety to sincerest pity.



The full version of this story is available in

Meltdown Manor

Hi, it’s Carrie here. I’m filling in for Bergamot while he takes some time to recover. Don’t worry, everything’s alright. You see, since his last entry Bergamot has had something of a minor meltdown. To be honest I think this chilly weather has got the better of him and he just needs some time to rest.

I had an inkling all was not well when he stormed out during our game of ‘charades’ last week. His melodramatic exit was quite unlike him, although in his defence, Andy’s attempt to act out the movie “Interstellar” by peering through a bookcase for 10 minutes was rather painful. Nonetheless, I am still speculating whether cats understand the space/time continuum better than we do. I digress.

Upon returning from his scavenger hunt I assumed Bergamot was his perky old self. He was so proud of the various goodies he’d found: furniture, appliances, hardware and knick-knacks. He spent that whole evening and the next day arranging and rearranging his corner of the room to accommodate these newfound belongings. It wasn’t until the following morning I knew something was very wrong.


Overwhelmed by the sheer quantity of items he had scavenged, Bergamot sat huddled against a tiny dresser, quietly fretting.



The full version of this story is available in