My Brother Basil

I was strolling through the garden this morning, as I do most mornings in fact, when a very strange sight caught my eye. Over yonder, under the apple tree, a very worried looking brown pigeon was pacing back and forth, head bobbing frantically, muttering something-or-other to himself.

I ambled over and called out, “Are you alright?”

He stopped pacing and turned toward me.

“Coo. Coooo?” he said.

“Oh, I’m sorry I don’t speak ‘Pigeon English’, only ‘People English’. My name is Bergamot. Are you lost?”

“Cooo!” he exclaimed and withdrew a small telegram from under his wing.

“Is that for me?” I asked, reaching for the letter.


I turned it over in my paws and quickly noticed the exquisite ivory paper, the impeccable handwriting and meticulous placement of the postage stamp. I found myself uttering only one word, “Basil”.

“Cooh,” spoke the pigeon, and his expression changed from high anxiety to sincerest pity.



The full version of this story is available in

Greetings from the Road


Dear Friend,

I am finally on my way, left home 8 days ago. There's no Wi-Fi out here, hence the letter.

My journey has been great so far and has taken me through some truly beautiful scenery. I have also met some wonderful characters including a rout of French speaking snails and a kind barrel-chested pigeon who agreed to fly this letter in exchange for a handful of sunflower seeds. I also ran into a lovely wombat couple who gave me a bed for the night, I was surprised by their minimalist leanings, having wrongly assumed they’d be hoarders.



The full version of this
story is available in